5. Die Hard 2
I consider the original Die Hard to be one of, if not the, greatest action movies of all time. And then there's Die Hard 2, a big disappointment. The original Die Hard was original with surprisingly relatable characters and one of the best villain's ever in Hans Gruber. Die Hard 2 was a cheap money grab with bland...everything. One of the best aspects of the original was the villain Gruber because he was John's polar opposite, but the sequel's villain was so generic and that really took away from it. And on top of all that the movie is just less badass with some pretty lame action sequences. Fortunately the later Die Hard movie were much better, hopefully the new one will be great also.
4. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
The term I like to use on a movie like this is Lucasfi, you take a legendary and beloved trilogy and make an unnecessary sequel to make a bunch of money and subsequently ruin the legacy of a great film series. The first Indiana Jones movie is the first movie I can remember watching and I fell in love with the series, I even named my cat Indiana Jones. And when I heard that they were developing a forth, I was excited. I was glad they were continuing a series I loved, but all that changed when I left the theater. Instead of the classic I loved, I got a bunch of bad CGI and a stupid alien plot. To this day this is one of the movies I was most disappointed by. I may have been naive, but I was also hopeful. And I was let down.
3. All the Jaws sequels
I consider the original Jaws to be one of the all time greats, the rest of them were terrible. I will give the sequels this, I can't actually call them money grabs because the original was the first money grab. The original Jaws was the first Summer blockbuster, it was released in July and was specifically made to make money. It was a Summer movie targeted at certain demographics in certain regions. It was absolutely brilliant and it became the highest grossing movie of all time. But unlike the rest of the series the original was well written with good characters and directed by Steven Spielberg. That's a recipe for success, the sequels just tried to emulate that.
2. The Matrix sequels
What do you do if you have one of the most original, influential, and best sci-fi/action movie in years? You make two really sh*tty sequels that absolutely destroy the credibility of what could have been a great series. Well that's exactly what the Wachowskis did with The Matrix. You want to know how bad I think the sequels are? About a year ago I went to the store to buy the Matrix and when I found it I had to make a choice. I was given the option to buy the original for 5 dollars or buy the entire series for only 7, a 15 dollar value for less than half. I hate the sequels so much I didn't even want them on my shelf and just bought the original. The only redeemable parts of the sequels were the fight scenes and Agent Smith, other than that I try and forget about them.
1. Star Wars Episode 1/2/3
Let's be honest, was there any other choice. The original trilogy are legendary and is considered by many as the greatest trilogy (based on consistency) of all time. The prequels are a down right insult to the originals. They are just bad, episode 1 most notable. Of the three movie the only scene I can say I genuinely enjoyed was the final fight scene in episode 3 (I'll admit it was good). The worst part of the prequels was that episodes 1 was so highly anticipated, people waited years to see it and every person on the planet was let down. George Lucas screwed the pooch big time with the prequels. While Lucas is linked to many great movies he didn't even direct the two best Star Wars movies (episode 5 and 6). But I will say I am super excited that Star Trek director J.J. Abrams will be directing the upcoming episode 7 and Lucas won't have anything to do with the project. And that puts a smile on my face.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
5 Best Sci-Fi Movies in 25 Years
Honorable Mentions: Looper, Moon, Minority Report, Inception, Dark City, Star Trek (2009)
Note: I'm only doing the last 25 years because there are several very old and iconic sci-fi movies I haven't seen going back as much as 100 years. This list is made up of my personal opinions.
Note: I'm only doing the last 25 years because there are several very old and iconic sci-fi movies I haven't seen going back as much as 100 years. This list is made up of my personal opinions.
5. Jurassic Park
When I think about this movie I can't help but play the theme song in my head, and it's awesome. Released in 1993 Jurassic Park quickly became the highest grossing movie of all time by demolishing the previous record held by E.T. and becoming the first movie to gross over 900 million dollars. A land mark in visual technology in movies, with CGI years ahead of its time that sometimes surpasses what we see in TV and movies today. Jurassic Park paved the way for the use of large amounts of digitally input visuals, while at the time they were used in small quantities. An epic story of modern day man versus yesterday's beasts. An incredible movie and an instant classic.
4. Twelve Monkeys
Twelve Monkeys was released in 1995 and Is undoubtedly the greatest time travel movie of all time, it's also one of the most confusing. Twelve Monkeys is what many perceive as a very realistic take on time travel. In most time travel movie the future can be changed, not in Twelve Monkeys. Everything is set in stone and will happen no matter what. The movie starts out in an apoptoliptic future where a virus has wiped out over 90 of mankind, those left fled underground. Time travel is discovered by some scientists and send back an agent to try and track the disease. They know where some of the locations of the first outbreaks and the agent is to investigate them before the outbreak and to look into a terrorist cell known as the Twelve Monkeys who are believed to have something to do with the virus. Twelve Monkeys is a dark look at humanity when we are on our last leg and our attempt to survive.
3. The Matrix
The Matrix is a rare type of movie, it's not often that a film completely changes a genre. After its release every action movie wanted to be like the matrix, but even to this day no movie has been able to emulate the originality and pulse pounding action that we saw in the original Matrix movie. In the movie around the end of the 21'st century, the first true artificial intelligence is launched and it turns out to be the biggest mistake in human history. The machines enslave humanity and put us in a virtual world called the Matrix, and our actual bodies are harvested for energy. But a resistance that escaped the Matrix attempts to save the last of humanity, and there last hope is a man named Neo who is believed to be the one to save mankind.
2. Children of Men
Released back in 2006, Children of Men is an emotional powerhouse that takes a hard look at mankind. The movie takes place in 2027 and for the past 18 years women can no longer have children. After an average Joe is roped into a crazy situation by his ex, he has to help transport the only pregnant woman for 18 years to safety. But as you can imagine, it's not so straight forward. Children of Men is a dark movie that shows what mankind looks like at our lowest low. When every civilization on earth are at each others throats. With every nation in the world collapsed, there is no hope. The last ounce of hope is with this woman, she is humanity's last chance. A superb and thought provoking movie like few others.
1. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
2. Children of Men
Released back in 2006, Children of Men is an emotional powerhouse that takes a hard look at mankind. The movie takes place in 2027 and for the past 18 years women can no longer have children. After an average Joe is roped into a crazy situation by his ex, he has to help transport the only pregnant woman for 18 years to safety. But as you can imagine, it's not so straight forward. Children of Men is a dark movie that shows what mankind looks like at our lowest low. When every civilization on earth are at each others throats. With every nation in the world collapsed, there is no hope. The last ounce of hope is with this woman, she is humanity's last chance. A superb and thought provoking movie like few others.
1. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Was there really any other choice? Released in 1991, director James Cameron made one of the all time greatest action/time travel/sci-fi movies. In the future a artificial intelligence called Skynet takes over the world's computer network and launches nukes all around the world nearly wiping out mankind. But a man named John Conner leads a rebellion against the machines. So Skynet sends a robot called the T-1000 back in time to kill John when he's a child. But future John sends back a robot of his own to protect his past self. And the next two hours are just plain badass. Not only is this one of the best sci-fi movies of the last 25 years, it's one of the best movies of all time.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Movie 43 Review
I'm not going to sugar coat it, this movie sucks. It is complete and utter garbage, and an insult to the viewers intelligence. I'm fairly certain somebody had to sell their soul to get this piece of sh*t made. The movie is made up of shorts that are being pitched to a studio executive to get it made into a movie, and the shorts are the movie that he's pitching. There are about ten or so shorts in the movie, and I'm dead serious here, one is funny. And it's the one we see in trailer about the basketball team. It's called Movie 43 because there are 43 established actors in it, and that is what makes me angry. A lot of these actors very good, many have been nominated for Oscars. They are better than this, they don't need to make movies like this. Another thing that bothered me about this movie is that the humor is low brow, juvenile, and just plain stupid. One of the shorts was an eight minute sh*t joke, literally. The movie is also unnecessarily vulgar and provocative,with each scene being very strange and random. The first scene is Kate Winslet on a date with Hugh Jackman and Hugh has a pair of testicles on his neck. I'm dead serious, that's the joke and it's like 10 minutes long. And like in every other scene in the movie, each short is centered around one joke and they stretch it out the entire time. At this point I've said everything I've had to say. Don't see this movie under any circumstances. I'm actually mad at my self for seeing this instead of Hansel and Gretel With Hunters, which I've heard is also terrible. Movie 43 even recognizes it is stupid. The studio executive calls the script "this centuries Howard the Duck" (one of the worst movies ever), and then they make you watch the movie the guy is pitching. It's literally making fun of its self. Movie 43 is easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen, if you plan on going to the movies any time soon you should watch anything else. This is actually the first movie I've seen in theaters and considered walking out of. It's like a really bad SNL episode. Watching this was a waste of a Saturday afternoon, should have re-watched Django or something. .5/5
Thursday, January 24, 2013
5 Worst Oscar Robberies
Note: None of the movies that won were bad movies, they just didn't deserve to win.
5. Crash beating Brokeback Mountain
I'll give Crash this, no one expected it to win. Released in 2004, Crash beat out Munich, Good Nigh, and Good Luck, Capote, and the movie that should have won Brokeback Mountain. Going into the Oscars, some people argued that Crash shouldn't have been nominated for best picture. While some people like Roger Ebert praised the movie (he even named it his best of the year), many gave it negative reviews. On the other hand Brokeback Mountain was almost universally praised, some called it one of the best love stories in years. Brokeback wasn't just a critical success but a huge financial one to, making almost 200 million off its budget of only 14 million. Crash wan't bad, but it shouldn't have won.
4. Forrest Gump beating everything
I really don't know how else to put it, Forrest Gump some how beat every other movie nominated. I truly don't understand how it beat Pulp Fiction, The Shawshank Redemption, Hoop Dreams, and Quiz Show. The reason it won was because it is a feel good movie starring the biggest actor at the time playing a mentally retarded man, it's like a perfect combination for an Oscar. It shouldn't have won best director, actor, adapted screenplay, and certainly not best picture. That same year two of the greatest movies of all time (Pulp Fiction and the Shawshank Redemption) were released, and they somehow lost to Forrest Gump. Don't get me wrong, I love Forrest Gump, I got the DVD on my shelf. But Forrest Gump is the last movie that should have won.
3A. Rocky beating Network and Taxi Driver
Nominated for 10 Oscars, it won 3, none of which it deserved. Rocky was written by actor Sylvester Stallone, shot for one million dollars, and made an astounding 225 million dollars; that is truly amazing. But it baffels me that it beat Network or Taxi Driver. A good number of people have seen Taxi Driver but few have seen Network, personally I would have given the Oscar to Network. I'm watching it as I'm writing this article, it's brilliant. Rocky won for the same reason Forrest Gump did, it's a feel good/underdog movie. Rocky is one of the greatest sports movies of all time, but it sits in the shadows of Network and Taxi Driver.
3B. Shakespeare In Love beating Saving Private Ryan
I decided to make number three a two parter because they were neck and neck. Saving Private Ryan is one of the greatest war epics of all time, and it lost to a sub par and forgettable love movie. The Oscars have never been a fan of bloody/violent movies like Saving Private Ryan, they do prefer the feel good love stories like Shakespeare In Love. Same as all the rest of the movies on this list Shakespeare is a good movie, I'm not denying that, but Saving Private Ryan is a much better movie that has reached legendary status. One of the best movies by the legendary director Steven Spielberg. Even though it won six Oscars, it should have one best picture.
2. Ordinary People beats Raging Bull
Ordinary People, one of the most forgettable Oscar winners. Ordinary People was a good movie, given positive reviews by crittics and considered one of the best of the year. But is it better than Raging Bull? F*ck no. Raging Bull is the greatest sporting movie of all time, it makes Rocky look like Here Comes the Boom. Considered one of Scorsese's best movies, Raging Bull is an incredible film about a damaged man fighting his demons. Starring De Niro, he gives the best performance of his career. Raging Bull was even ranked as AFI's number 4 movie of all time, and it should have won.
1. Dances With Wolves beating Goodfellas
I can't even... I don't even understand. How could the Academy even justified this decision. You have Goodfellas, arguably the greatest gangster film ever, loses to Dances With Wolves, I have trouble comprehending this. Dances With Wolves isn't even that great, if it were to come out in 2012 I wouldn't have put it in my top 10. I consider Goodfellas to be the best movie of the 1990's, and I even have it in my top 10 movies of all time. It is Scorsese's masterpiece. Taxi Driver and Raging Bull losing were bad, but Goodfellas losing is unforgivable. And is unquestionably the worst Oscar robbery.
5. Crash beating Brokeback Mountain

4. Forrest Gump beating everything
I really don't know how else to put it, Forrest Gump some how beat every other movie nominated. I truly don't understand how it beat Pulp Fiction, The Shawshank Redemption, Hoop Dreams, and Quiz Show. The reason it won was because it is a feel good movie starring the biggest actor at the time playing a mentally retarded man, it's like a perfect combination for an Oscar. It shouldn't have won best director, actor, adapted screenplay, and certainly not best picture. That same year two of the greatest movies of all time (Pulp Fiction and the Shawshank Redemption) were released, and they somehow lost to Forrest Gump. Don't get me wrong, I love Forrest Gump, I got the DVD on my shelf. But Forrest Gump is the last movie that should have won.
3A. Rocky beating Network and Taxi Driver
Nominated for 10 Oscars, it won 3, none of which it deserved. Rocky was written by actor Sylvester Stallone, shot for one million dollars, and made an astounding 225 million dollars; that is truly amazing. But it baffels me that it beat Network or Taxi Driver. A good number of people have seen Taxi Driver but few have seen Network, personally I would have given the Oscar to Network. I'm watching it as I'm writing this article, it's brilliant. Rocky won for the same reason Forrest Gump did, it's a feel good/underdog movie. Rocky is one of the greatest sports movies of all time, but it sits in the shadows of Network and Taxi Driver.
3B. Shakespeare In Love beating Saving Private Ryan

2. Ordinary People beats Raging Bull

1. Dances With Wolves beating Goodfellas

Monday, January 14, 2013
Great movies people haven't seen #7
I actually saw this movie just recently, and it has quickly become one of my all time favorite movies. Serenity is a sci-fi western created by Joss Whedon (known for being the creator of Buffy, Dollhouse, Angel, and directing The Avengers). Serenity is something special, it's actually based off an incredible TV show called Firefly. Not often we see a movie come from a show. Firefly was also created by Joss and stars all the same people from Serenity. Firefly premiered in 2002, but was unfortunately canceled after the first season. Over the years it's grown a huge following, and Serenity was essentially the finale that we never got with Firefly. The movie takes place about 500 years in the future where humans have branched out to other worlds and are ruled by a government entity called the Alliance. A couple of years before the events that happen in Firefly, there was a war between the Alliance and some rebels; the Alliance won convincingly. Serenity follows a group of smugglers who take aboard a young doctor and his some what crazy sister. The sister (River) is a savant, she's a genius at everything she does. She was taken to an Alliance facility and had experiments done to her that turn her into a human weapon and left her mentally unstable. Her brother rescues her and they've been running ever since. Serenity takes place shortly after the events of Firefly. A high ranking government official has been assigned of stopping River, but the crew won't let that happen. While being experimented on, River learns of something that the Alliance wants to keep secret. So the crew decides to seek it out to get the upper hand on the alliance. And what they discover is so shocking, it will turn the whole galaxy against the Alliance. This movie is fantastic, and it's the closure Firefly fans needed. The movie is remnant of other Whedon scripts in that it is well written and serious, but it has that witty humor we've come to know and love. Probably my biggest complaint is that I wish it was even longer because I don't want the story to end. I love the Firefly universe so much, I just want it back. If you haven't seen Firefly, I can't recommend it enough. I truly believe it is one of the best shows ever. And who knows, there is so much fandom for this show they may bring it back one day. And Serenity is a worthy follow up to the series.
Note: If you haven't seen Firefly this movie won't make any sense.
I actually saw this movie just recently, and it has quickly become one of my all time favorite movies. Serenity is a sci-fi western created by Joss Whedon (known for being the creator of Buffy, Dollhouse, Angel, and directing The Avengers). Serenity is something special, it's actually based off an incredible TV show called Firefly. Not often we see a movie come from a show. Firefly was also created by Joss and stars all the same people from Serenity. Firefly premiered in 2002, but was unfortunately canceled after the first season. Over the years it's grown a huge following, and Serenity was essentially the finale that we never got with Firefly. The movie takes place about 500 years in the future where humans have branched out to other worlds and are ruled by a government entity called the Alliance. A couple of years before the events that happen in Firefly, there was a war between the Alliance and some rebels; the Alliance won convincingly. Serenity follows a group of smugglers who take aboard a young doctor and his some what crazy sister. The sister (River) is a savant, she's a genius at everything she does. She was taken to an Alliance facility and had experiments done to her that turn her into a human weapon and left her mentally unstable. Her brother rescues her and they've been running ever since. Serenity takes place shortly after the events of Firefly. A high ranking government official has been assigned of stopping River, but the crew won't let that happen. While being experimented on, River learns of something that the Alliance wants to keep secret. So the crew decides to seek it out to get the upper hand on the alliance. And what they discover is so shocking, it will turn the whole galaxy against the Alliance. This movie is fantastic, and it's the closure Firefly fans needed. The movie is remnant of other Whedon scripts in that it is well written and serious, but it has that witty humor we've come to know and love. Probably my biggest complaint is that I wish it was even longer because I don't want the story to end. I love the Firefly universe so much, I just want it back. If you haven't seen Firefly, I can't recommend it enough. I truly believe it is one of the best shows ever. And who knows, there is so much fandom for this show they may bring it back one day. And Serenity is a worthy follow up to the series.
Note: If you haven't seen Firefly this movie won't make any sense.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
A Haunted House Review
A Haunted House is a new spoof film making fun of paranormal activity, the exorcist and found footage movies. And to be honest, it's pretty f*cking ridiculous. The main character Malcolm has just bought a new video camera and has decided to film everything in his life, and at the same time his girlfriend Kisha is moving into his home. The couple soon discovers something isn't right. They start to notice some things that could be described as paranormal, so they set out to fix it. And things get pretty crazy along the way. I'll go ahead and say it, this movie is stupid. It's a stupid movie with a bunch of cheap laughs. But it knows exactly what it is, stupid. And it plays on that. This is easily one of the better spoof movie in quite a while. Surprisingly the movie is funny, there were a couple of times where I was almost falling out of my seat laughing. One problem I had with the movie is the pacing. One scene is super funny, and then the next couple of minutes is nothing. Also the actors won't be getting any Oscar nominations any time soon. All in all this movie alright. It's not a tour de force, but it's a good time if you and your friends want a decent laugh. And to be honest, I did have some fun with it. 3/5
Monday, January 7, 2013
My Top 10 movie of 2012
Honorable Mentions: Seven Psychopaths, Life of Pi, Wreck-it Ralph, The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, Flight, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Cabin in the Woods, End of Watch
Note: I didn't see every movie to come out this year, so there may be a couple that could be on there that I missed. These are just the 10 best movies I saw this year in no particular order. And remember, this is just my personal opinion.
If there is one thing I can say about Lincoln, it's that it is the best movie Steven Spielberg has done in years. Following the former president the last couple months of his life, Lincoln gives us a superbly written and directed film that is one of the heavy hitters in this years award season. What impressed me the most was that they didn't really make this about the civil war. That was part of the movie but that wasn't the big thing. This was a war of words not of violence. It's hard to make a two and a half hour history piece interesting like that. And I'm calling it now, Daniel Day-Lewis will win an Oscar. No one deserves it more than he does.
Ben Affleck hit a rough patch a couple of years ago, he just did a bunch of sub par movies (if you've never seen Daredevil I'll let you know right now, it f*cking sucks). But everything changed when he made his directorial debut with Gone Baby Gone. And everything changed after that. But his new movie Argo is undoubtedly the best movie he's ever done and has officially made him one of the best active directors in the film industry. Set during the Iranian hostage situation, Argo takes us back to a time of fear and doubt in American history with one of the years best and most intense movies.
The Imposter
It is hard to make a documentary entertaining. They should be factual and realistic. Other movies are meant to tell a story and act as an escape from reality, so they have some leeway and can take it in any direction. But The Imposter isn't just an entertaining documentary, it's one of the most gripping movies of the year. Like something out of a nightmare, The Imposter tells us an unbelievable story on the same level as some psychological thrillers. And if I had to guess, I'd say this is one of the front runners for best documentary.
Going into 2012, this may have been my most anticipated film of the year. With the previous Bond film being less than satisfactory, we need something good. And what we got was one of the best movies in this legendary franchise. Director Sam Mendez put together one of the top blockbusters of the year in the form of revenge, redemption, and resurrection. Combining the grit of the newer films with classic James Bond references, we're given a Bond movie that will survive the ages. And I'm thrilled to see this movie be as successful as it was, it became the 14th movie to gross 1 billion dollars.
Moonrise Kingdom
I'll be the first to admit I'm one of those people that think Wes Anderson is an absolute genius. I just love his style, every time I watch one of his movies I feel like I'm watching a play. And this may be his best movie yet. Moonrise Kingdom took the film industry by storm, it first premiered at the prestigious Cannes film festival and was given the honor as being the opening movie. And what we saw was a quirky yet heart warming love story between these two young children. In an industry where most movies are filled with violence, vulgarity, and sexual innuendo, it's nice to see movies like this become successful.
The last really great sci-fi movie was Moon back in 2009, and we needed a new one. Fortunately we got Looper which is one of the best and most unique sci-fi/time travel movies made in years. Starring Joseph Gorden-Levitt and Bruce Willis, this movie is straight up bad ass. I went into this thinking it was just going to be sci-fi, what I got was a well written, mature, action movie. I loved every thing about this movie. And what makes me most happy about this movie was that it was successful. It's dangerous to make a new and unique movie like this because so often they don't make a lot of money. But on a 30 million dollar budget, it went on to make over 160 million dollars.
Zero Dark Thirty
I am so glad I waited to make this list, because if I didn't I would have missed this incredible movie. Zero Dark Thirty is about the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. A CIA operative named Maya comes upon a lead in an interrogation. She believes that she knows the identity of one of the closest people to Osama and spends years to find him. They ultimately discover the man's home and it is even believed that Osama himself is hiding there. If so Maya just found the most wanted man on the planet. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow, Zero Dark Thirty is an expertly crafted war thriller like nothing we've seen since her last movie The Hurt Locker. And if I had to choose, I would say Zero Dark thirty is the best movie of 2012.
Django Unchained
I'm saying it right now, Django Unchained isn't just Tarantino's best film since Pulp Fiction. It's also one of the years best. The movie follows a slave named Django and a bounty hunter named Schultz as they travel the country in an attempt to obtain a bounty on three criminals and rescue Django's wife from a plantation owner. This movie has my vote for best original screenplay and best supporting actor for Christoph Waltz. Django is hilarious, over the top, and brilliant with some of the best writing seen in a movie this year. Django Unchained is not only one of the best movies to come out this year, it's also my favorite.
Silver Linings Playbook
This may actually have been the biggest surprise of 2012 for me. Usually I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies because most of them are so bland. There are a couple I like such as Midnight in Paris, which was one of my top movies of 2011. But going into Silver Linings Playbook I was expecting a generic Romantic comedy. But what I got was a deep love story between these two damaged people just trying to get there lives together. With career defining performances from Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence, this is one of the years most underrated films.
Beasts of the Southern Wild
I fell in love with this movie the moment I watched it. Taking place on an island off the coast of Louisiana, the movie follows the story of a young girl named Hushpuppy and her dead beat dad. Her father loves her, he truly does, the problem is since he doesn't know how to be a real dad. After a devastating hurricane wrecks the island, the people are desperate to save their homes and put together a foolish plan that puts everyone in danger. This was the directors first film and what a directorial debut this movie was. A passionate and deep film that speaks to you on a personal level. Beasts of the Southern Wild is a beautiful and soulful movie like few others, and one of the most emotional pictures of the year.
Zero Dark Thirty Review
Before I start I have two things to say. The first is that this is considered as a 2012 movie because even though it was just released in my area, it was released in other parts of the country of December 2012. And second this being a 2012 movie, it is the best movie of the year. If you haven't heard, Zero Dark Thirty is the true story about hunting down and killing Osama Bin Laden. The movie is directed by Kathryn Bigelow who made the Academy Award winning movie The Hurt Locker, which also happens to be my favorite movie of all time. Now because of that I had some very high expectations going into this, and I was completely blown away. The movie's main protagonist is a CIA operative named Maya portrayed by Jessica Chastain, who should and will win Best Actress in a leading role at the Oscars. The movie starts out about a year or so after 9/11, and the US has already started to go to work in the Middle East. And that's where the most controversial scene in the movie comes in. The opening scene of this movie is actually a pretty graphic torture scene. There has been a lot of talk about if this scene was necessary or not, I actually believe that having it in the movie adds to the experience. It really shows the audience what they're in for, it doesn't sugar coat anything. This movie shows the dark side of the war against terrorism. While interviewing a terrorist, Maya gets a name of a man believed to be Osama's courier. So she follows lead after lead for the next 10 years in hopes of finding him. But one day she is given an old document that got lost in the CIA's archive giving information about the guy. Maya uses it to help track the him down to his home in Pakistan, a well secured compound. Now Maya is fighting to get an operation sanctioned to breach the compound. Because if she's right, she just found the location of the most wanted man on the planet. To be honest, there really isn't a bad aspect to this movie. I can't think of anything to criticize. The cinematography was well done, set design was good, the sound design was top notch (when there were gunshots it sounded like someone was sitting next to me and firing off rounds in the theater). The acting was great; but while everyone did a good job, Jessica Chastain's performance towered over everyone else. What Daniel Day Lewis did for Lincoln, Jessica did the same for Zero Dark Thirty. I would like to give a disclaimer. This is a violent movie with some pretty graphic torture scenes, it isn't going to be for everyone. But if you can get past that, this truly is a masterpiece. This is my generations Apocalypse Now and one of the greatest war movies ever. Kathryn Bigelow really out did herself by crafting an intense thrill ride with twist and turns that will get your heart pumping and make you jump back in your seat. There have been a lot of great movies in 2012, but for my money Zero Dark Thirty is the best. 5/5
Friday, January 4, 2013
Great movies people haven't seen #6
The Raid: Redemption
If you ever want to watch a balls to the wall action movie, this is it. An Indonesian movie released in 2012, this movie is like if die hard had a baby with Kung Fu movie. The premise is simple, there is a wanted drug lord at the top level of a hotel and the cops got to get him. The hotel has now become a safe haven for criminals, so that makes the cops job a little bit harder. Their plan is to go up floor by floor and restrain any criminals they find while staying hidden as long as possible. No surprise that eventually get discovered, and sh*t hits the fan. And the next hour or so are nothing but fast paced fight scenes, and it's f*cking awesome. What surprised me about this movie was how professional the movie looks. The budget was only about one million, but the movie looks legit. The acting isn't overly great, but they chose these guys not for their acting but for their stunt skills. And before they started filming all the actors actually went to a police training facility so they knew what to do. So hats off to them for going the extra mile. So at the end of the day the plot might not be the best or most original we've ever seen, but all I can say about this movie is that it is awesome. So if you're on netflix one night and you see this movie, watch it.
If you ever want to watch a balls to the wall action movie, this is it. An Indonesian movie released in 2012, this movie is like if die hard had a baby with Kung Fu movie. The premise is simple, there is a wanted drug lord at the top level of a hotel and the cops got to get him. The hotel has now become a safe haven for criminals, so that makes the cops job a little bit harder. Their plan is to go up floor by floor and restrain any criminals they find while staying hidden as long as possible. No surprise that eventually get discovered, and sh*t hits the fan. And the next hour or so are nothing but fast paced fight scenes, and it's f*cking awesome. What surprised me about this movie was how professional the movie looks. The budget was only about one million, but the movie looks legit. The acting isn't overly great, but they chose these guys not for their acting but for their stunt skills. And before they started filming all the actors actually went to a police training facility so they knew what to do. So hats off to them for going the extra mile. So at the end of the day the plot might not be the best or most original we've ever seen, but all I can say about this movie is that it is awesome. So if you're on netflix one night and you see this movie, watch it.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Great movies people haven't seen #5
District 13
Also known by it's French title, Banlieue 13, District 13 is a fantastic action movie with some of the coolest parkour scenes ever put into a movie. The movie takes place a couple years into the future where Paris, France has kind of gone to hell. A dangerous part of the city called District 13 has been closed off and has become home to all of the city's crime. Inside district 13 is a vigilante named Leïto who has been fighting a gang leader. Leïto stole a huge shipload of cocaine from the gang, and after escaping them the gang goes after his sister. Leïto is then arrested by some corrupt cops and is sent to jail. A couple months later it is learned that a nuclear warhead has been stolen by the gang and is taken to their base of operations. But a timer has been set for the bomb, so if it is not retrieved in 24 hours their is going to be a pretty big mess in in district 13. An undercover cop is sent to deactivate the bomb, but so they have an inside man he breaks Leïto out of prison. As you can imagine the cop and Leïto kind of but heads, but they have no other option. If they don't stop the bomb with in the next day, millions of people are going to die. The best word I can use to describe this movie is badass. Like Kung Fu Hustle, it doesn't take its self to seriously. It's meant to show off awesome fight scenes and cool parkour. I can't say the acting is bad, but I can't say it's good either. The two main actors do an OK job, every one else...tries their best. But this movie has become a personal favorite, a cult classic, and it even lead to a pretty good sequel. All in all, it is a fun movie.
Also known by it's French title, Banlieue 13, District 13 is a fantastic action movie with some of the coolest parkour scenes ever put into a movie. The movie takes place a couple years into the future where Paris, France has kind of gone to hell. A dangerous part of the city called District 13 has been closed off and has become home to all of the city's crime. Inside district 13 is a vigilante named Leïto who has been fighting a gang leader. Leïto stole a huge shipload of cocaine from the gang, and after escaping them the gang goes after his sister. Leïto is then arrested by some corrupt cops and is sent to jail. A couple months later it is learned that a nuclear warhead has been stolen by the gang and is taken to their base of operations. But a timer has been set for the bomb, so if it is not retrieved in 24 hours their is going to be a pretty big mess in in district 13. An undercover cop is sent to deactivate the bomb, but so they have an inside man he breaks Leïto out of prison. As you can imagine the cop and Leïto kind of but heads, but they have no other option. If they don't stop the bomb with in the next day, millions of people are going to die. The best word I can use to describe this movie is badass. Like Kung Fu Hustle, it doesn't take its self to seriously. It's meant to show off awesome fight scenes and cool parkour. I can't say the acting is bad, but I can't say it's good either. The two main actors do an OK job, every one else...tries their best. But this movie has become a personal favorite, a cult classic, and it even lead to a pretty good sequel. All in all, it is a fun movie.
Great movies people haven't seen #4
Moon is a British sci-fi movie released in 2009, and it is generally considered as one of the best sci-fi movies of the decade. The movie is about an astronaut named Sam, he has been given the task of watch over moon base used for mining. In the future, an alternative fuel source called Helium-3 is used to power much of the earth. The main reserves where it is found are on the moon, so a base was set up there with constant mining. Sam is serving a three year tour on the base where he collects the canisters filled with the gas dug up by automatic rovers, and then sends them back to earth. One day he goes out to to collect the canister of helium-3 and crashes his cart. He wakes up a couple days later in the infirmary where the base's artificial intelligence, GERTY, is taking care of him. Not long after he starts asking questions, mainly how he got back to the base. GERTY assures him everything is fine and to just rest. But Sam decides to go back to the crash site and see what happened. And when he looks inside the cart he was travelling in, he discovers something he can't believe. Moon is truly brilliant A unique, smart, and original movie. I actually ranked it as the third best movie of 2009 (behind The Hurt Locker and Up). The movie stars Sam Rockwell, and he was absolutely incredible in his role as Sam. I still believe he was robbed for best actor. A fantastic sci-fi/mystery movie that has become a personal favorite, and one more people should see.
Moon is a British sci-fi movie released in 2009, and it is generally considered as one of the best sci-fi movies of the decade. The movie is about an astronaut named Sam, he has been given the task of watch over moon base used for mining. In the future, an alternative fuel source called Helium-3 is used to power much of the earth. The main reserves where it is found are on the moon, so a base was set up there with constant mining. Sam is serving a three year tour on the base where he collects the canisters filled with the gas dug up by automatic rovers, and then sends them back to earth. One day he goes out to to collect the canister of helium-3 and crashes his cart. He wakes up a couple days later in the infirmary where the base's artificial intelligence, GERTY, is taking care of him. Not long after he starts asking questions, mainly how he got back to the base. GERTY assures him everything is fine and to just rest. But Sam decides to go back to the crash site and see what happened. And when he looks inside the cart he was travelling in, he discovers something he can't believe. Moon is truly brilliant A unique, smart, and original movie. I actually ranked it as the third best movie of 2009 (behind The Hurt Locker and Up). The movie stars Sam Rockwell, and he was absolutely incredible in his role as Sam. I still believe he was robbed for best actor. A fantastic sci-fi/mystery movie that has become a personal favorite, and one more people should see.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Great movies people haven't seen #3
Beasts of the Southern Wild
This movie actually came out this year, and it was met with critical acclaim. Winning dozens of awards at film festivals, Beasts of the Southern wild is a beautiful movie like few others. The movie takes place on a small fictional island off the coast of Louisiana nicknamed "the bathtub." The story revolves around a young girl named Hushpuppy and her dead beat dad. Hushpuppy's mother died years ago, and the problem is that her dad doesn't really know how to take care of her. The main conflict of the story actually takes place within her father. He really wants to be a good dad, he just doesn't know how to and he fights himself at every turn. One day the people of the bathtub hear that a storm is coming. Some people decide it's time to pack up and leave and others try and hold down the fort. The storm is devastating; it kills all the plants and livestock, the people only have enough supplies for a few weeks. And on top of that, the whole area is flooded with 10 foot high water. So Hushpuppy's father gets a plan, he's going to blow up the levy to release some of the water. But as you can imagine, there are some repercussions. The best word I can use to describe this film is soulful. This was the directors first film and he put everything he had into it. From the casting to the cinematography, he did everything perfectly. The girl who played Hushpuppy gave what may be the best performance from a child actor I've ever seen. A powerful movie that really speaks to you, Beasts of the Southern Wild is one of the best films of the year.
This movie actually came out this year, and it was met with critical acclaim. Winning dozens of awards at film festivals, Beasts of the Southern wild is a beautiful movie like few others. The movie takes place on a small fictional island off the coast of Louisiana nicknamed "the bathtub." The story revolves around a young girl named Hushpuppy and her dead beat dad. Hushpuppy's mother died years ago, and the problem is that her dad doesn't really know how to take care of her. The main conflict of the story actually takes place within her father. He really wants to be a good dad, he just doesn't know how to and he fights himself at every turn. One day the people of the bathtub hear that a storm is coming. Some people decide it's time to pack up and leave and others try and hold down the fort. The storm is devastating; it kills all the plants and livestock, the people only have enough supplies for a few weeks. And on top of that, the whole area is flooded with 10 foot high water. So Hushpuppy's father gets a plan, he's going to blow up the levy to release some of the water. But as you can imagine, there are some repercussions. The best word I can use to describe this film is soulful. This was the directors first film and he put everything he had into it. From the casting to the cinematography, he did everything perfectly. The girl who played Hushpuppy gave what may be the best performance from a child actor I've ever seen. A powerful movie that really speaks to you, Beasts of the Southern Wild is one of the best films of the year.
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