James bond may be my favorite movie series of all time. The first one I saw was "The spy who loved me" (which to be honest isn't very good). But I remember seeing the villain's henchman "Jaws" and thought he was awesome. After that I saw more and more of the series. In 2006 a reboot to the series entitled "Casino Royale" was released, and it brought Bond into the 21'st century with a new gritty style. In 2008 "Quantum of Solace" came out, and it was a huge disappointment (in its defense, it had some pretty big shoes to fill). And now after four long years we get the 23'rd installment in the 007 franchise "Skyfall," and it is better than I ever could have imagined. Skyfall is directed my Sam Mendez and in it Daniel Craig returns to his role as James Bond and gives, quiet possibly, the best performance of his career. While James Bond is known as an unstoppable badass who never gives up and who you can never break, starts to show his age. Years of heavy drinking and partying all night has taken a its toll on the super spy. And one of the most interesting aspects of the movie is seeing Bond pull himself out the hole he dug. When the movie was announced people had one question, who would play the Bond villain. Some people were worried since the last two movies did not have a defining bad guy like the classics. When Javier Bardem (most noted for his role in No Country for Old Men, which he received best supporting actor for) was announced as the film's antagonist, everyone's fears where put to rest. Bardem gives a masterful performance as the psychopathic Raoul Silva, a cyber terrorist and ex MI6 agent. One of the complaints Casino Royale revived was that it didn't have the classic charm of the older movies, it didn't feel like a Bond movie. Skyfall manages to combine the elements of the new gritty movies with the whit and charm of the older ones. Even opening visuals and theme song (performed by Adele) has a classic feel. Through out Skyfall references are made about the older Bond movies, and anyone who has seen the older films will get a real kick out of it. Everything about this film is spectacular from the acting, to the soundtrack, to the cinematography, and superbly written dialog. Skyfall isn't just a great bond movie it is a great movie in general, and is a film every one should see. 5/5

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