Monday, October 21, 2013

5 Movies to Look for in 2014

5. How To Train Your Dragon 2
2010 was a packed with incredible movies, but probably the biggest surprise was How to Train Your Dragon. HTTYD is based off the series of the same name, I actually read the first four installments when I was younger and loved them. When I heard they were making a movie I was skeptical whether the book could be turned into a movie, but after I watch the movie I was absolutely blown away. The movie is very loosely based off the book and amazingly it's better than the book. HTTYD was beautifully animated, had great voice acting, was incredibly touching, and downright funny. While I'm nervous whether or not the sequel can live up to such high standards put forth by its predecessor, I'll certainly give it a try.
4. Godzilla
Now I'm not sure how many of you have seen the 1998 Godzilla, but if you haven't seen it let me save you the time. It's f*cking terrible. The first time I saw it I think I was like eight or nine and I thought it was kind of cool then; I just wanted to see Godzilla destroy stuff. About a year ago I was channel surfing and saw it on so I re-watched it. I then realized that it was horrible, I couldn't make it all the way through it. So when I heard they were making a new Godzilla movie I was more than skeptical and still am, but I'm willing to give this one a chance. The cast in the movie is pretty good and I think that's what is giving me hope. Plus with a budget of 160 million I hope the special effects are decent. While we still don't know whether it will be good or bad, it can't be any worse than the last one.
3. The Grand Budapest Hotel
I've made it no secret before that I think Wes Anderson is an absolute genius, that may be "hipster" thing for me to say but it's true. His style is so unique and so distinctive; he has the ability to make his movies have a sort of child like wonder but at the same time be very much made for adults. Their wit and charm are unmatched by almost any other movie, and they're absolutely hilarious. The Grand Budapest Hotel takes place in the early 1920's where the head of a legendary hotel befriends a young lobby boy but ends up becoming a suspect in a murder. The trailer was just released and if you haven't seen it go watch it now. This movie looks like classic Wes Anderson, and I mean that as the utmost compliment.
2. X-Men: Days of Future Past
The X-Men movies where some of the first modern super hero movies that took the nitty gritty approach that every other super hero movie in the past ten years has tried to emulate (only a few have done it successfully). And while the first two received very positive reviews and have become classics in their time, I was never a big fan. But in 2011, the fifth installment called "First Class" was released and it was awesome. It took a slightly less seriously approach than the other movies which I really enjoyed, plus Michael Fassbender plays Magneto which pretty much sells the movie. "First Class" was one of my favorite movies of 2011 and I've been waiting for a real sequel ever since. My expectations are high but I think Days of Future Past will be great and I can't wait.
1. Interstellar
To be honest, I have absolutely no idea what this movie is about. I assume it has something to do with space travel but all I really know is that it's directed by Christopher Nolan and stars Matthew McConaughey, and that's all I really need to know. Nolan burst onto the scene back in 2000 with his now cult classic "Memento," and since then has become one of the most respected directors in the business. Matthew McConaughey was almost a laughing stock in the movie business a couple of years ago by doing terrible movie after terrible movie. All of a sudden he's turned his career around and is a contender for this year's Oscar. Calling Interstellar THE movie to look out for in 2014 even though we know almost nothing about it may be hasty, but I have faith in the people behind it and truly believe that this is the most promising looking movie coming out in 2014.

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