Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Raid 2: Berandal Review

     Every few years we get a movie that turns its genre on its head, something new that redefines the genre and breathes fresh life into it. Back in 2011, an Indonesian martial arts movie called "The Raid: Redemption" took the movie industry by storm; people were calling it the best action movie in over a decade. The last time we had seen an action movie of the same caliber was probably "The Matrix." What "Star Wars" was for sci-fi and "Goodfellas" was for crime, "Redemption" changed the way we looked at action movies. It raised the bar and brought a new standard to a genre that had been over saturated with lazy summer blockbusters and early in the year garbage. The movie was an immediate success; it was praised by critics as well as making 15 million off its one million dollar budget. It wasn't long before people were asking for a sequel; fortunately the director heard our pleas and production for a sequel began in 2012. After a long silence the sequel has finally arrived; and the result isn't just an improvement over its predecessor, it stands alone as one of the greatest action movies ever made.
     "Berandal" takes place almost immediately after the events of "Redemption;" our protagonist Rama survived the war in the apartments and was given a series of tapes that proves a number of cops and officials in the city are corrupt. With nowhere to go, he meets up with a detective who is head of an anti-corruption task squad. They decide the only way to keep Rama and his family safe is if he disappears, so they place him undercover in order to take out the crime families that are plaguing the area; the local crime boss and some yakuza from Japan. In order to get an in with the local crime boss, he gets arrested and thrown in prison in order to get close to the boss's son. After two years in prison, he earns the son's trust; and once released, he is invited to join the father’s organization. Tired and missing his family, Rama wants nothing more than to go home and see his family; but he realizes that he has to eliminate the crime families and the corrupt cops. After having to get his hands dirty, and seeing what these people are capable of, he soon realizes that he may be in over his head. So he sets out to complete his job, and the carnage begins.
     In short, "Berandal" improves upon its already great predecessor in just about every single way possible. It kept what made the first one a great action movie, while adding elements that make it a great gangster and crime thriller. The most immediate and obvious change over "Redemption" has to be the plot and dialog, it's substantially better. The plot in "Redemption" was rather unoriginal and somewhat predictable, and the dialog was just plain bad; they were and after thought and played second fiddle to the action. In "Berandal" we are greeted with a smart and intriguing plot along with well crafted and often intense dialog. They really brings the movie to an entirely new level. "Redemption" really was nothing more than a mindless action movie, you only watched it to see some awesome fight scenes; but "Berandal" managed to capture my attention with a surprisingly great story, and didn't let go for the entire run time. I will say that the movie is a little longer than necessary though, it could have managed to cut 10 to 20 minutes and it would have been perfect. While it's obvious that a lot of time and effort was put into this movie's plot and dialog, the action is why people will come and see this movie. The first movie became an instant classic with its action sequences, and the people behind this movie promised that they would make the action bigger and better; well I can safely say this movie will be listed alongside some of the greatest action movies ever for generations to come. The action sequences are truly amazing, and have some of the best fight choreography I've ever seen in a movie. Complemented by great performances from the actors, every action scene is just downright phenomenal. The fights are fast and furious, and will have you giddy with excitement of seeing people just get smashed; but that does bring me to one aspect of the movie I was not a big fan of. This is an incredibly violent movie, more so than needed to be. I'm not a fan of violence for the sake of violence, which this movie has plenty of. There are several unnecessarily brutal kills in this movie that I didn't see the point of; I know this isn't a problem for a lot of people, but it is something that did bother me personally. One of the most strikingly obvious aspects of the movie is that the cinematography is beautiful, and actually manages to add to the action. The camera is always where it is supposed to be, and they pull off a few nifty tricks that come out fantastic on camera. Probably the biggest and only major problem with the movie is that there are some characters that could have been flushed out more. A few characters are introduced and play a major role in the movie, but we never really get to learn about them; their back stories and personalities are ignored. This movie is first and foremost an action movie, but with so much more emphasis placed on the story, it would have been nice to see a little bit more to these characters. This is an amazing movie from start to finish; I don't know any other way to put it. There hasn't been another movie in recent years that has entranced me to the same extent as this one. I've heard rumors that the director is planning to make a third film sometime in the next few years, while it may be hard to top this movie I have faith that he will knock it out of the park one more time. "The Raid 2: Berandal" is a two and a half hour masterpiece of violence and chaos, and one of the best movies so far this year. 

Pros: Amazing action sequences, much improved plot and dialog over original, some of the best fight choreography ever put in a movie, great performances from the entire cast, beautiful cinematography, works as a gangster and crime thriller.
Cons: Unnecessarily violent, a few characters aren't flushed out, a little longer than needed.

5/5 Stars

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