Thursday, November 10, 2016

Moonlight Review

     Believe it or not, I try to know as little as possible about a movie when going into the theater. While for some movies it is impossible to not know at least a little about it, smaller titles are easier to go into blind. This is a practice I've started fairly recently since I feel movie trailers often give too much away of a film's plot. So if possible, I don't watch the trailers, read the plot summaries, or even look at the full cast; I try and watch them knowing as little as possible. And in my opinion, it's made my movie going experience even more enjoyable. The surprises regarding the film are more enjoyable when you don't know what to expect. The latest picture I've tried this with was "Moonlight," an indie film from the people over at A24. Going into this movie, I knew nothing about it other than the fact that it had received glowing reviews from critics. So watching it unfold was surprising and felt like a breath of fresh air. And I have to say, it may be the year's best movie.
     "Moonlight" follows the story of Chiron, a young black man raised by a drug addicted mother. The plot shows Chiron during three stages of his life: as a young child, a teenager, and as an adult. Revolving around his relationships with others, we see Chiron grow and come to grips with who he is.
     When I first heard of this movie, I only heard good things; with many calling it the best movie of the year. And as of writing this review, it is. First off is the real star of the movie, director Barry Jenkins. A small time director with no other major films under his belt, he knocked it out of the park. His direction was brilliant, taking the movie in directions I wasn't expecting. If he doesn’t get an Oscar nod in 2017 it would be a travesty. You can also see his influence on his actors who do fantastic. Everyone gives a powerful, emotional, and authentic performance. I have to give particular praise to the three actors who play Chiron throughout his life. What really helped was that a few of the characters are unique and memorable. And with a well written script with great dialog, the actors put on some truly great performances. What really helps elevate this movie would be the story. Throughout the entire run time, the plot is original and emotional. "Moonlight" tells the complicated coming of age story of one-of-a kind young man. No other movie this year made me the level of emotion that this one did. The only issue that you can argue this movie has would be that at times, it slows down a bit too much. While many movies such as this suffer from this problem, you can't help but want the story to move on a bit quicker at times. Despite that minor issue, "Moonlight" is special. This is the best movie I've seen so far this year; whether it be the substance of the film or the beautiful cinematography and score, this movie is a gem. If "Moonlight" is playing anywhere near you, take some time to go see it. And if this movie doesn't appear at this coming Academy Awards, hold me back because I'll come out swinging. 

Pros: Several powerful performances, original and emotional story, beautiful visuals and cinematography, brilliant direction from Barry Jenkins, well written screenplay and dialog, memorable main character, beautiful score.
Cons: Slows down a bit too much at times.

5/5 Stars

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