Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Movie I Love #2

Smokin' Aces
I'll come out and say it, this is a bad movie. I acknowledge that, and I love it. I'm one of those people that has trouble sitting down to watch a bad movie and still like it. Everyone has one of those guilty pleasures where they know it’s bad like 300 or Transformers but they can still enjoy it. That's what Smokin' Aces is for me. The movie is about a magician named Buddy Israel he gets involved with the mob and gets too big for his britches. He essentially tries to take over the operation, but once bodies start dropping he gets out. He goes to the FBI and will be put in witness protection in return of testifying against members of the mob. But before the deal goes through he has to stay at a hotel by Lake Tahoe, soon after sh*t hits the fan. A mob boss puts a hit out on Israel for 1 million dollars, and at that point every violent sociopath in the known universe starts gunning for him. And on top of that there are a couple of bounty hunters who plan on taking him in and turning him over to the LVPD. But the FBI plan to go through hell or high water to protect their witness, then craziness ensues. Smokin' Aces is an over the top action movie and nothing more, it tries to be like a Tarantino film but doesn't even come close. The writing is less than impressive, it tries to be fast and slick but comes off much less. The acting is subpar across the board, but I'll say they managed to get some big stars for it. This isn't one of those movies you watch for a deep and compelling story, you watch it to see every one shoot each other. And by the end that's exactly what you get. The movie is no Godfather, but if you can turn your brain off and be happy with some mindless violence this is a very enjoyable movie.

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