Thursday, February 28, 2013

Movie I Love #3

The King's Speech
The last movie I talked about wasn't actually very good, so I feel I need to redeem myself by talking about one that is. The King's Speech is a British film that was released in 2010. It was met with widespread critical acclaim and won seven BAFTA's and four Oscars (including best picture). The film was also an outstanding box office hit, grossing over 400 million dollars on a budget of only 15 million. The movie is based off the true life story of King George the 4th and his rise to power. The movie starts out when George is still a Duke giving a speech at Wimbledon we soon learn he has a terrible stutter. He seeks help from dozens of doctors and therapists, because in his eyes how can one be royalty if he cannot give a speech. Unfortunately none of them are able to help, so his wife seeks out help from someone she has heard good things about, Lionel Logue. Lionel is a suborn man who demands to see George on his own terms; his wife is shocked that he refuses to visit her husband on their time. But she realizes she doesn't have many other options, so she reluctantly agrees. Not long after the speech lessons starts George has many family problems, from his father’s death to his older brother coming into power. But his bother starts seeing a woman who has been divorced, and this is obviously frowned upon. His brother plans on marrying her, but he first has to resign as king. Which means George will come into power. This is obviously frightening to him, so with the help of Lionel he must overcome his impediment and become the king he is meant to be. This is a feel good movie if there ever was one. It is the perfect combination of witty humor with serious and emotional undertones. The writing is superb and the actors carry it out flawlessly. It's a movie about overcoming the odds and finding your voice. It was the best movie of 2010, it was my favorite movie of 2010, and an outstanding film that everyone who doubts them self should see. 

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