Friday, August 2, 2013

2 Guns Review

It's weird but you can always tell the difference between an August movie and a July movie. July movies are big and over the top since it's the middle of summer, studios always like to put out a movie that is meant to get your blood pumping. August movies are usually of a smaller scale, they still want action but they don't want a 100 million dollar budget. I usually prefer the July movies because if they're gonna go for it I want to see them go all the way. It doesn't always work, but I felt that 2 Guns could have been a little bit more over the top. 2 Guns follows the story of Bobby Trench and Marcus Stigman, two guys who are deep in it with a Mexican drug cartel. After getting screwed over by a king pen, Marcus has the idea to rob a bank that they know the cartel uses. So the two pull the job and everything goes off without a hitch, the problem is that they were originally expecting to only get a few million; what they ended up doing was stealing about 40 million. After they get away and drive into the desert to admire their work, it's discovered that Bobby is actually undercover DEA. When Marcus finds out he shoots him in the arm, takes the money, and leaves Bobby there. Shortly after we find out Marcus was working with NCIS in an attempt to steal the money from the cartel. Nothing can be traced back the Navy, so Marcus was supposed to kill Bobby. When his commanding officer finds out that Marcus didn't kill him, they attempt to arrest Marcus and take him out; Marcus escapes and plans on getting his name cleared. Marcus and Bobby meet up later (not exactly trusting each other) and learn that not only is the Navy and the Cartel are after them, but some third party as well. And all that money they stole actually belongs to them. Now that the two of them are wanted men, their only option is to get the money and give it to the people who are least likely to kill them; unfortunately the money has been moved and they have no idea where to. So Bobby and Marcus set out to find the money, who it belongs, and how they're going to get out alive. Before I start to criticize the movie I want to say what it did right, the actors did a great job. Stars Denzel Washington (Bobby) and Mark Wahlberg (Marcus) along with co-star Bill Paxton are perfect in their roles. Just the chemistry between Denzel and Mark is great. The characters are likable as well, especially Marcus; he acts as the comic relief and is a badass as well. Now that I've said what I liked, I will now go on to say what I thought was wrong with it; 2 Guns is just so unremarkably average. This would be a really good made for TV movie, but I can't justify spending ten bucks to see it in the theater. The writing isn't overly good, other than a couple funny lines it's not special. For some reason there they put in an unnecessary amount of plot twists, I feel like they the writers wanted to try and keep our attention but really it was just kind of annoying after a while. By the end the whole thing just feels convoluted. And at times the movie just felt boring, I was tired going into the movie and I had to force myself to stay awake. They also put in a love story that had no heat and felt tacked on. 2 Guns isn't special, it feels like a movie that should have come out in February and not at the end of summer. If you're going to see a movie this weekend I can't recommend this one. If you want something worth action, go see the Wolverine; if you want something really good, go see Fruitvale Station. I would like to say that there seems to be a lot of people that liked this movie, if you were interested in seeing it go ahead. But for me, I'm not going to remember it in a week. The only thing that made watching this worth wild was getting to see the trailer for David O. Russell's new movie American Hustler, which looks awesome (go find it on YouTube).

2/5 Stars

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