Monday, December 25, 2017

5 Worst Movies of 2017

Honorable Mentions: Bright, The Book of Henry.
Note: This list is made up of what I thought were the worst movies released during 2017. It's important to remember that there were many bad movies released in 2017 I was not able to watch.

Runner-Up: A Bad Moms Christmas
Now to be honest this isn't that bad of a movie. It made this list by virtue of me only seeing a few bad movies this year. That being said, it's still far from good. "A Bad Moms Christmas" is the sequel to 2016's "Bad Moms." This time around it's basically the same thing but at Christmas, and the moms to the bad moms stop by. This movie really is nothing special, it's about as middle as the road to unimpressive as it gets. There are a few decent jokes, but that's about it. The performances feel phoned in, the plot and writing are mediocre, and much of the comedy doesn't land. Compared to the rest of the movies on this list it doesn't seem so bad, but "A Bad Moms Christmas" feels like a cash grab; cheap to make, easy to profit off of. And on top of that, they totally set up the opportunity to make a third film; which, if I had to bet money, won't be any better.
5. Flatliners
On a list of movies that I never thought would get a remake, "Flatliners" would have at least gotten an honorable mention; but here we are. The plot of the original revolved around some medical students purposely stopping their hearts, to have them resuscitated so they could see what happens when you die, and then some spooky stuff happens. An interesting enough concept for what was an alright movie. The 2017 version is ultimately the same overarching plot, but with ghosts or demons or something. "Flatliners" is just dumb, that's it. It's not scary, or funny, or entertaining, or any other beneficial property; it's just dumb. Nothing that happens makes sense and they don't explain anything. The only saving grace from my viewing experience was that I watched it with friends and we roasted it in the theater. "Flatliners" isn't a truly terrible movie. It's just 110 minutes of nonsense that I wish to never watch again.
4. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
If we're really lucky, the title of this movie will ultimately be true. "Resident Evil" started as a video game franchise in the 90s, and was a pioneer in survival horror games. Since then the series has produced several of the best horror games of all time, but its film franchise counterpart hasn't been as lauded. The "Resident Evil" film franchise started in 2002 with a decent enough movie, then quickly devolved into a truly terrible series. "The Final Chapter" is supposedly the last installment (although the ending of the movie actually leaves them open to doing more unfortunately). Here's the run down, an evil corporation developed a virus for convenient back story reasons that can cause terrible mutations in people turning them into zombies. Alice is immune to the virus, and has made it her mission to destroy the corporation. "The Final Chapter" takes place years after the virus was released, and only a few thousand humans are left on earth. Alice decides to head to an underground bunker owned by the corporation to finish off the masterminds of the end of the world. There are other plot points but who the hell actually cares? This is as about as brain dead "entertainment" you can get. It's dumb, popcorn nonsense that a few people may enjoy. I just don't like this series, it could have been great but really it's just terrible. "The Final Chapter" isn't the worst installment in the series, but it's still pretty bad.
3. Transformers: The Last Night
Now we get to the heavy hitters, with any of these final three movies being worthy of being called 2017's worst. And if I had to guess I suspect that "Transformers: The Last Night" will top many worst of the year lists and with just cause. In a franchise known for being terrible, you can make an argument the latest installment is the worst. "The Last Night" picks up a few years after the previous film, now Transformers are illegal on earth and are being hunted by government task forces. Then there's something about an ancient prophecy and King Author and a bunch of other stuff I don't feel bothered writing about. At over two and a half hours, this movie is bland, bloated, and boring. It's amazing how you can make such an expensive action extravaganza be so uninteresting. The humor doesn't work, the action is poorly choreographed and shot, the plot is nonsense, and the characters are wholeheartedly uninteresting. It's hard to say if this is the worst installment in the series, at this point they all just run together in a huge blob of garbage, all I know is that it's a true and utter waste of time.
2. The Emoji Movie
If anything, this movie just became one of 2017's biggest jokes. From its first announcement people couldn't really believe that it was an actual movie in development. The premise was supposed to be a modern day "Toy Story," but ultimately sounded kind of lame. The plot of the movie takes place in the phone of a high school student, and focuses on the "meh" emoji named Gene. Gene is supposed to make only one expression, but can't help but to make more. So worried that he may be deleted, he seeks out a hacker to fix his programming. If I had to point out a positive of this movie, I'd say that the animation isn't that bad; everything else is though. The characters are uninteresting, the plot is unmemorable, the writing and dialog are abysmal, and very few jokes even come close to landing. "The Emoji Movie" is one of those projects that makes you question how it got greenlit at all; and the fact it's not at the top of this list is impressive.
1. Fifty Shades Darker
This is it, this is the worst. I didn't see a lot of bad movies from 2017, but of those I did this was far and away the least enjoyable to sit through. The "Fifty Shades" film series is based off of the novels of the same name. What started out as "Twilight" fan-faction became a worldwide sensation. Despite being panned by critics, the erotic novels sold incredibly well; and the movies have been doing the exact same thing. The series revolves around the relationship between a plain girl named Anastasia Steele, and a billionaire named Christian Grey. After the previous movie, the two ended their relationship. Christian doesn't want to give it up and tries to win Ana back; she agrees but wants a more honest relationship. Then a bunch of nonsense happens and the movie ends. "Fifty Shades Darker" is insultingly bad. The writing, directing, acting, music, production, dialog, and storytelling are just atrocious start to finish. I thought the first installment in the series was bad, but this one ranks among the worst films I've ever seen. 2017 was filled with great movies, but of the bad ones that came out, "Fifty Shades Darker" is easily the worst.

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