Sunday, March 3, 2013

Movies I Love #5

Released in 2007, Grindhouse is actually made up of two movies. It is made up of Robert Rodriguez's zombie horror movie "Planet Terror," and Quentin Tarantino's thriller "Death Proof." I'm fairly certain Grindhouse is like the first double feature down in like 20 years, I really wish their where more. Two movies for the price of one is a great deal for unemployed people like me. Planet Terror is a traditional zombie movie, but apparently physics aren't a thing in this universe and a body is just made of skin filled with blood. Death Proof is about a serial killer who lour’s young women into his stunt car and kills them by driving crazy and having them die of trauma after being thrashed around. But after a girl is killed her friends decide to give him a taste of his own medicine. Now the 64 thousand dollar question is whether these movies any good... they're a lot of fun. To be honest PT may be in Rodriguez's top 5 movies and DP may be Tarantino's weakest movie. Unfortunately Grindhouse was a commercial failure, but the game made quite a bit of money off of DVD sales. Personally I bought the Blu-ray. Grindhouse was made for movie lovers; it is an homage to the old school exploitation/B movies and old Grindhouse cinemas. Probably one of the coolest aspects of Grindhouse was that it came with several fake trailers, a couple of which were actually made into real movies. Machete and Hobo with a Shotgun where both released a couple years later. Grindhouse isn't a tour de force, it won't be remembered as the Rodriguez and Tarantino’s finest hour, but they're two fun movies made for cinema freaks like me.   

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