Thursday, January 31, 2013

5 Worst Sequels to Great Movies

5. Die Hard 2
I consider the original Die Hard to be one of, if not the, greatest action movies of all time. And then there's Die Hard 2, a big disappointment. The original Die Hard was original with surprisingly relatable characters and one of the best villain's ever in Hans Gruber. Die Hard 2 was a cheap money grab with bland...everything. One of the best aspects of the original was the villain Gruber because he was John's polar opposite, but the sequel's villain was so generic and that really took away from it. And on top of all that the movie is just less badass with some pretty lame action sequences. Fortunately the later Die Hard movie were much better, hopefully the new one will be great also.

 4. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
The term I like to use on a movie like this is Lucasfi, you take a legendary and beloved trilogy and make an unnecessary sequel to make a bunch of money and subsequently ruin the legacy of a great film series. The first Indiana Jones movie is the first movie I can remember watching and I fell in love with the series, I even named my cat Indiana Jones. And when I heard that they were developing a forth, I was excited. I was glad they were continuing a series I loved, but all that changed when I left the theater. Instead of the classic I loved, I got a bunch of bad CGI and a stupid alien plot. To this day this is one of the movies I was most disappointed by. I may have been naive, but I was also hopeful. And I was let down.

3. All the Jaws sequels
I consider the original Jaws to be one of the all time greats, the rest of them were terrible. I will give the sequels this, I can't actually call them money grabs because the original was the first money grab. The original Jaws was the first Summer blockbuster, it was released in July and was specifically made to make money. It was a Summer movie targeted at certain demographics in certain regions. It was absolutely brilliant and it became the highest grossing movie of all time. But unlike the rest of the series the original was well written with good characters and directed by Steven Spielberg. That's a recipe for success, the sequels just tried to emulate that.

2. The Matrix sequels
What do you do if you have one of the most original, influential, and best sci-fi/action movie in years? You make two really sh*tty sequels that absolutely destroy the credibility of what could have been a great series. Well that's exactly what the Wachowskis did with The Matrix. You want to know how bad I think the sequels are? About a year ago I went to the store to buy the Matrix and when I found it I had to make a choice. I was given the option to buy the original for 5 dollars or buy the entire series for only 7, a 15 dollar value for less than half. I hate the sequels so much I didn't even want them on my shelf and just bought the original. The only redeemable parts of the sequels were the fight scenes and Agent Smith, other than that I try and forget about them.
1. Star Wars Episode 1/2/3
Let's be honest, was there any other choice. The original trilogy are legendary and is considered by many as the greatest trilogy (based on consistency) of all time. The prequels are a down right insult to the originals. They are just bad, episode 1 most notable. Of the three movie the only scene I can say I genuinely enjoyed was the final fight scene in episode 3 (I'll admit it was good). The worst part of the prequels was that episodes 1 was so highly anticipated, people waited years to see it and every person on the planet was let down. George Lucas screwed the pooch big time with the prequels. While Lucas is linked to many great movies he didn't even direct the two best Star Wars movies (episode 5 and 6). But I will say I am super excited that Star Trek director J.J. Abrams will be directing the upcoming episode 7 and Lucas won't have anything to do with the project. And that puts a smile on my face.

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