Thursday, January 3, 2013

Great movies people haven't seen #5

District 13
Also known by it's French title, Banlieue 13, District 13 is a fantastic action movie with some of the coolest parkour scenes ever put into a movie. The movie takes place a couple years into the future where Paris, France has kind of gone to hell. A dangerous part of the city called District 13 has been closed off and has become home to all of the city's crime. Inside district 13 is a vigilante named Leïto who has been fighting a gang leader. Leïto stole a huge shipload of cocaine from the gang, and after escaping them the gang goes after his sister. Leïto is then arrested by some corrupt cops and is sent to jail. A couple months later it is learned that a nuclear warhead has been stolen by the gang and is taken to their base of operations. But a timer has been set for the bomb, so if it is not retrieved in 24 hours their is going to be a pretty big mess in in district 13. An undercover cop is sent to deactivate the bomb, but so they have an inside man he breaks Leïto out of prison. As you can imagine the cop and Leïto kind of but heads, but they have no other option. If they don't stop the bomb with in the next day, millions of people are going to die. The best word I can use to describe this movie is badass. Like Kung Fu Hustle, it doesn't take its self to seriously. It's meant to show off awesome fight scenes and cool parkour. I can't say the acting is bad, but I can't say it's good either. The two main actors do an OK job, every one else...tries their best. But this movie has become a personal favorite, a cult classic, and it even lead to a pretty good sequel. All in all, it is a fun movie.

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