Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Haunted House Review

A Haunted House is a new spoof film making fun of paranormal activity, the exorcist  and found footage movies. And to be honest, it's pretty f*cking ridiculous. The main character Malcolm has just bought a new video camera and has decided to film everything in his life, and at the same time his girlfriend Kisha is moving into his home. The couple soon discovers something isn't right. They start to notice some things that could be described as paranormal, so they set out to fix it. And things get pretty crazy along the way. I'll go ahead and say it, this movie is stupid. It's a stupid movie with a bunch of cheap laughs. But it knows exactly what it is, stupid. And it plays on that. This is easily one of the better spoof movie in quite a while. Surprisingly the movie is funny, there were a couple of times where I was almost falling out of my seat laughing. One problem I had with the movie is the pacing. One scene is super funny, and then the next couple of minutes is nothing. Also the actors won't be getting any Oscar nominations any time soon. All in all this movie alright. It's not a tour de force, but it's a good time if you and your friends want a decent laugh. And to be honest, I did have some fun with it. 3/5

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