Friday, December 14, 2012

Best Movies of my Life #8

Fight Club
Based off the novel by the same name and released in 1999, Fight Club has reached a legendary status that very few movies will ever obtain. The plot in this movie isn't straight forward, there is a whole lot of stuff that happens in this movie. And where it starts is miles away from where it ends. In a simple explanation, the movie is about an unnamed Narrator with no unique attributes  He's as much as an average Joe as you could imagine. But while on a business trip he meets a very unique individual by the name of Tyler Durden. After an unfortunate event the Narrator and Tyler reunite and become friends. And after a couple of beers they get in a friendly fight. Some people start to take notice and say they want to fight too, so Tyler and the Narrator  end up forming a fight club. And at that point it's just a slippery slope down hill. As far as books turned into movies, Fight Club may be the best. A dark, disgusting, and smart comedic thriller like few others. Known for great performances and the twist ending, Fight Club has become a cult classic and one of my all time favorite movies. And I consider Fight Club to be the movie that got me interested in film.

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