Saturday, December 29, 2012

Great movies people haven't seen #1

Take Shelter
Like most indie films this movie wasn't seen by many people. It didn't even make its 5 million dollar budget back. But those who did see it praised it for what a great movie it was. Released in 2011, this was actually my pick for best movie of the year. The movie revolves around a construction worker named Curtis and his family. They live their normal lives and are saving up for a family vacation and they're waiting for their insurance to come through in an attempt to get their deaf daughter a hearing implant. All of a sudden Curtis starts having these terrible nightmares that haunt all day. He then starts having hallucinations. At this time the viewer doesn't know what is happening, but Curtis does. His mother was a schizophrenic, which can be hereditary, and the symptoms start to show up around his age. Curtis starts to loose site of reality and believes that a storm is coming. He becomes obsessed with his families safety and spends ten's of thousands on developing a storm shelter His wife becomes furious with him for spending so much money because it puts their daughters surgery at risk. Now Curtis has to fight his disorder in an attempt to hold on to what is left of his family. This is a dark and depressing movie. Watching this man's decent into madness is terrifying cause he is a danger to himself and to those around him. What makes this movie so good is the towering performance from the actors. Michael Shannon (Curtis) should have won an Oscar for his role. You add such great acting to a well written and thought out screenplay and you got a recipe for one of the best movies of the year. If you haven't seen Take Shelter I can't recommend it enough, it's a tour de force that everyone should watch.

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