Friday, December 28, 2012

My 5 most anticipated movies of 2013

5. Gangster Squad
I have some pretty high hopes for this one, we are in need of a good mafia/gangster movie. Off the top of my head the last great one we had was the Departed in 2006. Set to be released in in January of 2013, Gangster Squad is about an eastern mob boss who makes his way out to LA and starts to take over the place. So a group of cops go rogue in an attempt to stop him. This movie was originally supposed to be released in late 2012. But the movie had a scene of people getting shot in a movie theater. And the first time the trailer was shown in theaters was right before the Dark Knight Rises. So out of respect they pushed the date back to 2013, and that's a pretty admirable thing to do.

4. A Good Day to Die Hard
The fifth installment of the long running Die Hard series has finally arrived. Is it necessary? Nope. But I'm gonna watch it and I'm probably gonna love it. A lot of people are saying that's time to let the series die, another movie would just ruin it. But they said that about the last movie, which turned out to be pretty bad ass. To be honest I don't even know what this movie is about. Something about John going to Russia, he meets sees his son there who is a spy, and they got to stop a bad guy or something. All I know is it's going to have a lot of shooting and explosions, which works for me.

3. Man of Steel
I was very skeptical of a new Superman movie, the last one wasn't very good if you haven't seen it. And even after the first teaser trailer I still wasn't sure. But after seeing the first full length trailer, Iwas on board. This movie will be following the style of the new batman and James Bond movies in that it will be more realistic. In the older movies when Superman first appears he is welcomed with open arms and is expected to save the day. But let's be honest, if Superman was real we wouldn't be so friendly. And that makes me interested. This movie could very well crash and burn. Or it could sore like Superman should.

2. Pacific Rim
According to the movie in the not so distant future, Earth is attacked. We expected our enemies to come from the sky, we weren't expecting them to come from the sea. An inter dimensional rift opens up at the bottom of the ocean, and giant monsters come through and start wrecking everything. Earth is devastated and our resources are starting to deplete. So mankind bands together and builds a group of giant robots in an attempt to combat the monsters, the plan is less than successful. Our last hope is for a retired pilot and untrained rookie to make a final stand against the monsters using a legendary robot. Does that not sound f*cking awesome? If I wasn't already hyped enough for this movie before, when I learned that Guillermo Del Toro directed the movie I put full faith in to it

1. Star Trek Into Darkness
In 2009 the Star Trek series was rebooted with a new Summer blockbuster, and it was fantastic. It was one of my favorite movie of the year and I am pumped for the sequel. At this point in time we don't actually know much of the plot. The only thing we do know is the villain's name is John Harrison, who was wronged in some way by Starfleet and now he's pissed (right now it's unconfirmed but John Harrison may in fact be the legendary Star Trek villain Khan). Harrison is being played by Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes in the hit British show Sherlock). Before hearing that, as Calvin Candie would say, "You had my curiosity. But now you have my attention." If this movie is anywhere near as good as the first one, Star Trek Into Darkness will be great. And it's definitely my most anticipated movie of 2013.

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